Would you like to know more about ID?

We welcome an application from you who work with ID tasks for an internship or a short-term exchange with us. We accept two candidates every six months, stating in January and August. Requests for short-term exchange are handled continuously.
The purpose of the mobility progamme
The diffferent parts of the mobility programme are meant to be a contribution to the development and professional updating of the people we accept, so as to enable them to perform more efficiently and with higher quality.
At the same time, our employees will benefit from your contributions by your sharing your knowledge, experience and new impulses from your own work place. A further goal of the progammes is better cooperation within public sector.
What can we offer?
You will be following one of our employees in his/her daily work, and the tasks you are given will be adapted to your competence and relevant to your work. Normally the duration of an internship period will be anything between three months and one year, whereas a short-term exchange will last from a few days to three months.
As an internship worker with us you will build a thorough and complete understanding of professional skills and methods in ID administration. In cooperation with you we will form a plan with an emphasis on topics that are relevant to your present or future work tasks. Relevant topics may be:
- Document examination
- writing reports – scaling of conclusions
- reference work (Mikrocarc, eletronic references, physical references, preliminary work for DISCS)
- Hotline telephone
- The ID Database and other ID resources
- Face comparison
- Statistics and analysis
- Guides and implementation work
- Legal issues
- Routines for reports and notification
- Training / Communicating ID issues
- Development /further development of courses and training materials
Short-term exchange
This is an alternative for those who want a less comprehensive insight into our work field. The main purpose will be that you acquire the relevant competence for performing your present or future work tasks. But even here the aim is to give you a complete oversight of the ID work we do. Therefore, many of the topics covered in the internship will also be relevant at a short-term exchange.
Who can apply?
One of the goals of the Norwegian ID centre is to raise the ID skills of the immigration administration, the Police and in other public agencies resonsible for handling ID information. To be accepted as an intern, you must have the knowledge needed to perform second-line ID work. This means that you assist and guide other people in ID work (security check, document control and/or training) at your own work place.
To be accepted for short-term exchange you normally need to have a competence in ID work corresponding to first-line/superuser level. A discretionary assessment is done with all applicants.
What is expected from you
Apart from your daily work, we expect you to transfer knowledge and experience from your own work place, thus increasing our insight in the ID work of other players. Main points in this may be how you work with ID, the challenges you meet and which trends/modi you see, etc.
You should also give input regarding improvements of our work process and what we can do to contribute to the goal of a uniform and comprehensive ID administration.
During your internship period you should also prepare suggestions for improvements of the ID work processes at your work place. If yours is a short-term exchange, no written report is demanded, but we strongly eecommend that you use what you have learned to reflect upon possible improvements at your own work place.
How to apply
An application for internship or short-term exchange must be in writing, and must include a recommendation from your leader. You must state which ID-related work task you have or will be given after your internship with us. Please indicate also the desired duration of your stay with us.
Normally, your salary will be covered by your employer during your stay with us.
Applicantions must be sent to postmottak@nidsenter.no and marked with ‘Application for internship’ or ‘Application for short-term exchange’.