Norwegian ID Centre's International ID Day 2018

(Illustration photo: iStock.)
10.00 - 10.05 Welcome
Wenche Bjørngaard
Head of Communications
Norwegian ID Centre
10.05 - 10.20 Introduction
Thor Kleppen Sættem
State Secretary for the Minister of Justice, Public Service and Immigration
(Photo: Olav Heggø, Fotovisjon)
Opening remarks
10.20 - 10.30 Tone Opdahl
Acting Manager
Norwegian ID Centre
10.30 - 10.55 Sofia Botzios is the Migration, Freedom of Movement and Human Contacts Advisor, Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), at the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). She will give an introduction to the work of ODIHR on Migration, Freedom of Movement and Human Contacts, an introduction to the work of ODIHR on identity Management and future work in this area, including gender and Identity Management.
Zoran Djokovicis an independent consultant. He will be presenting the Compendium of Good Practices in Identity Management in the OSCE Region, an overview and comparative analysis of identity management systems of OSCE participating states. The publication is the result of consultations initiated in 2013, and the subsequent process which included a series of expert meetings and a detailed questionnaire distributed to all OSCE participating States in August 2016.
10.55 - 11.20 Fons Knopjes is Senior Research and Development Manager at National Office for Identity Data, Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations in the Netherlands. He will share his views on how the identity field in Europe will – or should – be in ten years.
11.20 - 11.35 Break
11.35 - 12.00 Dr. Andreas Wolf is Principal Scientist Biometrics at Bundesdruckerei GmbH in Germany. He will inform about a CEN-project, established by the EU Commission, which will look at the possibilities for establishing a joint European standard for essential breeder documents like birth, marriage and death certificates.
12.00 - 12.15 Knut Ivarson Øvregård is Senior Adviser at the Norwegian ID Centre. He will explain how the international development in secure ID will affect Norway in the future. There is no joint standard in Norway on what is secure ID, and different players have reached different conclusions regarding risk and necessary control measures.
12.15 - 13.15 Lunch
13.15 - 14.00 Dr. Joseph Atick is the Executive Chairman for ID4Africa & Identity Counsel. He will talk about the organization ID4Africa, which assists African countries in the development of digital ID processes, which will contribute to further social and economic development, and their experiences with various challenges in Africa.
14.00 - 14.30 Vyjayanti Desai is Program Manager for Identification for Development (ID4D) at the World Bank Group. She will speak about ID4D, a global, multi-sectoral initiative of the World Bank Group. To enable access to services and rights for all, ID4D is supporting progress towards identification systems that use modern solutions.
14.30 - 14.45 Break
14.45 - 15.05 Vebjørn Heines is a special representative for Somalia at the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Earlier he was the Minister Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission at Norway’s embassy in Nairobi, Kenya. He will talk about the Norwegian cooperation with Somali government in building a solid immigration administration.
15.05 - 15.20 Anette Bayer Forsingdal is Director at the Department of Civil Registration, the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration in Windhoek, Namibia. She is leading the development and implementation of a National Population Registration Front Office System, which aims to track and trace all documents received and processed in the Department, including an
e-birth and e-death notification systems, placed at the Ministry of Health.
15.20 - 15.55 Panel discussion
Part two of the conference, Africa, will end with a panel discussion led by Lars Petter Henie. He is Senior Adviser for migration issues at the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He has 25 years of experience in the Norwegian foreign service, was chief negotiator for the UN Global Compact for Migration and is currently working on bilateral migration dialogues with countries of origin.
15.55 - 16.00 Closing remarks
The need in society for secure identification
- an overall perspective
(the conference is held in English)
Target group
The ID Day is for decision makers, leaders and other key personnel in public and private organizations where secure ID and ID-management are relevant topics
Thursday, November 15th 2018
Oslo Congress Center
9 am – 4 pm
NOK 800,-
Secure identification is a prerequisite for a functioning society and crucial to giving people access to rights and services within such areas as health, elections and security. Development in ID work in Europe, Norway and Africa will be centre of attention.
Several players, nationally and internationally, call for a common understanding and joint standards on what is secure identification. A number of good initiatives for strengthening ID work are now being taken. We will give a status of the work in Norway with establishing good routines and standards for secure ID. There is no joint standard in Norway on what is secure ID, and different players have reached different conclusions regarding risk and necessary control measures.
A common European labour market has given challenges that EU finds itself in need of meeting and solving, linked to secure identification of workers and of competence among countries. The EU Commission has established a project within the European Committee for Standardization (CEN), an association that brings together the standardization bodies of 34 European countries, which will look at the possibilities for establishing a joint European standard for such essential breeder documents as birth, marriage and death certificates.
Today one billion people in the world are without proof of identity, and the majority of these reside in Africa. Several countries in Africa have started a process of building systems for secure ID to provide their citizens with rights and access to services. It will enable countries to handle the challenges linked to increased migration in better ways, which will give the benefit of better economic integration and commercial activities.