Norwegian Partnership for Migration

The purpose of the Norwegian Partnership for Migration (NPM) is to strengthen the idenity and migration collaboration between the Norwegian immigration authorities and foreign governments through sharing of knowledge and capacity building.
Published: 11/27/2023

The NPM is a collaborative project by the Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Security, run by the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration, the National Police Immigration Service and the Norwegian ID Centre.

Note: The e-learning is not available for all users. Please contact the Norwegian ID Centre to apply for access. The e-learning is available for partners in NPM.

What we offer

The NPM offers learning through webinars, e-learning and classroom courses on ID and migration issues. The e-learning courses are both theoretical and practical and the composition can be tailored to your needs.

Click here to access the e-learning (login required)

The e-learning consists of four modules, each with several submodules:

  1. What is identity?
  2. Technical ID control
  3. Tactical ID control
  4. Training for trainers
For more information

For more information about the Norwegian Partnership for Migration, please contact 

  • The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration at or your closest norwegian embassy.